Thursday 15 August 2013

The Displaced Canadian

On every other platform available to me, I keep it professional. In my mind, that means leaving out the personal, letting only buttoned-up, bright-eyed side show. I intend for this little blog to be more of a free-for-all as far as my thoughts and feelings are concerned. I'm just going to sit down, stretch out my legs, and relax a bit. I have no illusions about gathering readership. I just want to share, really. I like sharing. In kindergarten, that was actually written on my report card "shares well with others". With this little blog, I hope to share well with you all.

As the title of the blog clearly indicates, I am a Canadian living in the Netherlands. I don't wear clogs here and I didn't wear snowshoes there, but as far as titles go, I puff up my chest a little proudly at this one. In any case, it was the best of the small list I managed to put together while sipping my cappuccino and siphoning wifi from the café gods. So in the old worlds of yesteryear, Hello World.

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